The Leather Sack of the Universe

What? It's a Terry Pratchett thing.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

This is a great picture of Noah and his Uncle Sam (I tried to convince him to dress up as Uncle Sam for Halloween last year, but when I couldn't come up with a cooler superpower than finger-waggling, he didn't go for it.) Sam does a great job with both his neice and his nephew. He's very sweet and gentle, and calls Noah "my Noah." As you can see, the boys have quite a lot of fun together.

Grams was singing Amazing Grace to Noah and he went out like a light. Exhibit A: limp arm. Exhibit B: happy, non-gas related smile. I have tried to duplicate this effect at 2:00 AM, so far without success.

We dressed up Wednesday night to serve the Valentine's Banquet at church. Noah went as the littlest astronaut. The littlest, very red-headed looking astronaut. I'll put a picture up later of the three of us together, as we were quite the nerdy family. Me in my flight suit, Kyle in his flight jacket, and Noah in his onesie.

There were a lot of things that went on last week. It was a long week in a lot of ways, but there were some good things. I'll get a post up later about one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time, which is the effect of little babies on people who need to smile.


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