The Leather Sack of the Universe

What? It's a Terry Pratchett thing.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

So, since I have a digital camera and am ecstatic at the wonder of my's lots of pictures (especially for you, Tara!).

Exhibit A: Noah at three weeks, wondering what the heck Mommy is doing with her other hand while holding him up and trying to convince him to smile, even if it is "just gas." (And even if it is, he does have a beautiful smile.)

Sorry in advance for all the white space. I am not technologically proficient and am trying to do this while Noah is having 7th meal.

And here are the proud grandparents! On the left are Burton and Annette- Kyle's parents, getting their second meeting with the little man on the first day of his existance. Burton definitely got over his initial unwillingness to hold Noah- one of the many joys of antibacterial soap. Annette came and stayed with us after Mom went home, which is how she got an initial advantage over Grandpa in cuddle time. Burton's catching up, though.

On the right is my Mom- she came and stayed with us for the first few days and was a huge help. She gave Noah his first bath at home, which he wasn't really a fan of. It's hard to tell, but that towel is a hippo.

Then there are a few pictures of my favorite boys getting some quality bonding time that first week: Noah was jaundiced when he came home, and more jaundiced when he went back for his checkup three days after he was discharged. After I finished freaking out (his bilirubin levels were comparable to the ones that Dad had right before he crashed) and getting reassurance that, despite what the lactation lady said, I wasn't starving my child and exacerbating the problem (turns out that 11 feedings of more than 30 minutes each are plenty)- we went home and started phototherapy courtesy of a home unit. It took a few days, but he is much better now. It no longer makes me twitch when Kyle calls him "Pumpkin."

I just love this picture of the boys. This was the day after Noah was born, and I think the look and Kyle's face pretty much says it all.

They're so little! He certainly didn't FEEL little, and if you look at him, he looks pretty substantial for a newborn, but still...tiny.

This last picture is just so my husband won't give me a bad time about not putting any pictures with me in them up. See? I really have been here, I promise.


  • At 8:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wonderful! What a blessing God has given you. I am SO happy for all three of you. God be with you and bless you forever.

  • At 5:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Man! It's already been 3 weeks?!?!? Time flies... I must say my nephew is adorable! He is soooooo cute! I have pictures of "my babies" up on my wall. I miss you guys! I've been having to get my baby time elsewhere. It's just not the same. But I'll be home for about 2 months. I might just have to squeeze in some baby time. I'm really happy for ya'll you seem to be doing really well. That is all. :-)

  • At 5:09 PM , Blogger Australia Bound said...

    ha.. just figured it out... I'm a lil slow. Mk...Well Yay me! I might be in Tulsa this weekend for Kingdom Seekers. So I will think good thoughts whilst driving through Oklahoma. That is all.



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