The Leather Sack of the Universe

What? It's a Terry Pratchett thing.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

No pictures today, just three random things that amuse me, each for entirely different reasons.

1. I was at Ross yesterday when I saw what may well be the weirdest CD ever. The title? "Gregorian Chants." That's not the weird part, though, it's the subtitle, which was "inspired by the Music of Celine Dion." You really want to listen to a chant version of "My Heart Will Go On?" I can't imagine why it was priced at $2.99.

2. There's a new commercial on for Aquafresh toothpaste. Except the tube doesn't say toothpaste. It says "Whitening Mint Experience." Experience? IT'S TOOTHPASTE!

3. It is about 10:00 in the morning and I consider the day a success already because I have had a shower and actually eaten breakfast, and Noah is chilled out. Ah, how our definitions change after the entrance into motherhood.

So, yes. Two things that make me laugh, albeit while rolling my eyes, and one changed perspective. What's amusing you today?


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