The Leather Sack of the Universe

What? It's a Terry Pratchett thing.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I love this picture of the boys. Kyle's not quite as good as I am at blowing zerbets, but he's learning...and Noah seems to have quite a lot of fun with it. Noah's obviously born to play the role of adorable first born son, and Kyle's settling into being Daddy so well that it seems that he was born to play THAT particular role.

Crazy as it seems, Noah is a month old today. It's one of those spans of time where it somehow manages to seem like forever and no time at all simultaneously. He's seen two bunches of grandparents this weekend, Grandma and Grandpa and Granny and Pappy (technically, they're great-grandparents, but go with it), and both of them were amazed at how much he's changed. I know that he's heavier- about 11.5 pounds now, up from a birthweight of 8 pounds 10 ounces- and I assume longer, since he doesn't fit on my chest quite the same way. It's harder to see the changes when you're with them every day. I've only got two more weeks before I have to go back to work (sidenote to feminists in the United States: this is what campaigning to be treated exactly like men gets you. Do you know how long maternity leave is in Europe?!), but we are very excited about the fact that it looks like my company is going to let me office from home two days a week. I was definitely doing a happy dance after that meeting was over. Being able to do that accomplishes several things: we can keep health insurance AND buy food AND not have to put Noah in daycare. Daddy has one day off during the week, and Noah will get quality grandparent time the other two days, since Burton and Annette have volunteered and are quite conveniently located. Added bonus: this particular mommy won't have to go nuts for those particular reasons. It's super and amazing and unusual that my company is so flexible, but it's something that I am infinitely grateful for. I'm not sure what we would have been doing otherwise, but now we don't have to worry about it. This is one time when technology makes me a very happy girl.

In other news, we mourned a precious soul today. Willie (of Monroe and Willie) passed away. He was a sweet old man with a sweet spirit and an onery streak that we got to hear about from family. My favorite memory of Willie was him showing up at church after we got to do Christmas for them, in one of his new shirts. He sat in a comfy chair in the foyer and held court while Monroe snagged every person that walked through the door and told them "That's my brother, Willie!" and Willie tried to steal away a few of Monroe's girls. He had a great smile. Requisat in pace.

Noah is wearing his white t-shirt and overalls tomorrow in support of Monroe. We'll have to get a picture of that one.


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