The Leather Sack of the Universe

What? It's a Terry Pratchett thing.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

So, I'm blaming the fact that I haven't posted in a really long time on the fact that I spent nearly all of my free time over the last three weeks getting ready for the GRE. I took it the day before Thanksgiving, and it went really well. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I'll pass along a few pictures of my cute kid:
I'm not sure when exactly Noah decided to get this big, but he did. And then he snuggled with Daddy, which was adorable and needed to be preserved on film for posterity.

Just in case you weren't aware of this, allow me to let you in on a little secret: Noah and Grandpa are buddies. Noah lights up for him in a way that is different from the way he lights up for anybody else. It is one of the coolest things that I have ever seen. It really makes me wish that Dad were here to get to spoil Noah too. Ever wish you could turn back time a few years and pass along a message? Something along the lines of "Hey! Go to the doctor, you dork! Or you have no idea what you will be missing out on in a few years!" Ah, dang. Now the screen is all blurry for some reason. Stupid screen. Anyway, here's Grandpa playing with Noah, and if you look closely you can see Grandma in the background. She thinks Noah's OK, too.

Well, more pictures later. Gone for now...