The Leather Sack of the Universe

What? It's a Terry Pratchett thing.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Noah has had a rough time as of late. He's teething (I think...), and caught a bit of a respiratory virus, so he's not always his usual good-natured self. Despite that, we've had lots of snuggle time. He's still cute even when he's feeling punk, so here's a few shots to demonstrate the ongoing cuteness...

This is one I took after the poor baby finally fell asleep after a particularly pitiful crying jag. I wound up getting him down to his diaper and rubbing his back until he fell asleep. He slept hard, and for about an hour and a half I was stuck (ha!) holding my sleeping angel. There are worse ways to spend your day, I promise you that. It's amazing how much things that mattered before simply don't matter any more. My favorite thing to do in the whole world isn't to go see a show, or play games, or anything like that. It's just to spend the afternoon snuggling my baby and hanging out with my husband. One look at a sweet picture like this, and you'll know why. I don't need some fancy job or title, although a big paycheck would be nice. I'd be happy right now if my only job title was "Momma." I always thought that I would do these amazing things in my career, get an academic title (that may still happen, but later), and go on to a high-recognition, high-paying job. Now I know that this little guy in the picture is the best thing I could possibly create, and more important than any thesis or vacation. Sounds trite, maybe, but I didn't realize how important I thought those things were until Noah snuggled with me for the first time and gave me some much needed perspective. Now, that's enough of the rambling, take a look at some more cute pictures!

Kyle and I are working most Saturdays helping his brother and sister-in-law with their catering business. They work weddings, so now we work weddings. It's a necessary thing for the moment, but having to spend yet another day away from Noah really wears on both of us. Luckily, Grandma and Grandpa usually babysit, so at least we know he's being spoiled. There was a Del City wedding on Saturday, so they came with Noah. I wanted to get a picture with the cool gardens in the background, but he was so enamoured with the water that he wouldn't turn his back to it. I settled for a picture of Daddy and the baby admiring the water together. I have pretty adorable boys, huh?

Noah really likes his feet, and has since before he was an external baby. During his first ultrasound, the tech took a picture of him sticking his toes by his nose. He loves to play with his feet (and has managed to fit them in his mouth a time or two), so it seemed like a good picture to take. The hand belongs to Grams, as we were at her house today for Auntie K's going-away party. She leaves next week for Australia for an as of yet undetermined period of time to do mission work. All the more reason for me to keep throwing pics up here...


  • At 2:54 AM , Blogger Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

    Hi there,
    I just stumbled across your blog, I hope you don't mind! One of my little boys is called Noah too...your Noah is just as cute as mine. Totally gorgeous :-)


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